A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z 


Ignore_Armor - Static variable in class bwapi.DamageType
Incompatible_State - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Incompatible_TechType - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Incompatible_UnitType - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
IncompleteBuilding - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
incompleteUnitCount() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Retrieves the number of incomplete units that the player has.
incompleteUnitCount(UnitType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Independant_Laser_Battery - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
Independent - Static variable in class bwapi.DamageType
Independent - Static variable in class bwapi.UnitSizeType
indexToUnit(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves a Unit interface object from a given unit index.
Infestation - Static variable in class bwapi.TechType
InfestedCommandCenter - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
InfestingCommandCenter - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
InitCreepGrowth - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
innerSplashRadius() - Method in class bwapi.WeaponType
Retrieves the inner radius used for splash damage calculations, in pixels.
Insufficient_Ammo - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Insufficient_Energy - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Insufficient_Gas - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Insufficient_Minerals - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Insufficient_Space - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Insufficient_Supply - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Insufficient_Tech - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
InterceptorAttack - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
InterceptorReturn - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
Interrupted - Static variable in class bwapi.Order
Invalid - Static variable in class bwapi.Position
Invalid - Static variable in class bwapi.TilePosition
Invalid - Static variable in class bwapi.WalkPosition
Invalid_Parameter - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Invalid_Tile_Position - Static variable in class bwapi.Error
Invisible - Static variable in class bwapi.BulletType
Invisible - Static variable in class bwapi.Utils
Invisible_no_override - Static variable in class bwapi.Utils
Ion_Thrusters - Static variable in class bwapi.UpgradeType
Irradiate - Static variable in class bwapi.ExplosionType
Irradiate - Static variable in class bwapi.TechType
Irradiate - Static variable in class bwapi.WeaponType
isAccelerating() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the current unit is accelerating.
isAccessible() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Retrieves the state of accessibility of the region.
isAddon() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit is an add-on.
isAlly(Player) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if this player is allied to the specified player.
isAttackFrame() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently playing an attack animation.
isAttacking() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently attacking something.
isBattleNet() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the client is in a game that was created through the Battle.net multiplayer gaming service.
isBeacon() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a beacon.
isBeingConstructed() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the current unit is being constructed.
isBeingGathered() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks this Mineral Field or Refinery is currently being gathered from.
isBeingHealed() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently being healed by a Medic or repaired by a SCV.
isBlind() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently blinded by a Medic 's Optical Flare ability.
isBraking() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the current unit is slowing down to come to a stop.
isBuildable(int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if a given tile position is buildable.
isBuildable(int, int, boolean) - Method in class bwapi.Game
isBuildable(TilePosition) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if a given tile position is buildable.
isBuildable(TilePosition, boolean) - Method in class bwapi.Game
isBuilding() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit is a structure.
isBurrowable() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type has the capability to use the Burrow technology when it is researched.
isBurrowed() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the current unit is burrowed, either using the Burrow ability, or is an armed Spider Mine.
isCarryingGas() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this worker unit is carrying some vespene gas.
isCarryingMinerals() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this worker unit is carrying some minerals.
isCloakable() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type has the capability to use a cloaking ability when it is researched.
isCloaked() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently cloaked.
isCompleted() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has finished being constructed, trained, morphed, or warped in, and can now receive orders.
isConnected() - Method in class bwapi.Client
isConnected(int, int, int, int) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
isConnected(TilePosition, TilePosition) - Static method in class bwta.BWTA
isConstructing() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if a unit is either constructing something or moving to construct something.
isCritter() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a neutral critter.
isDebug() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Retrieves the debug state of the BWAPI build.
isDefeated() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if the player has been defeated.
isDefenseMatrixed() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has the Defensive Matrix effect.
isDetected() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is visible or revealed by a detector unit.
isDetector() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is capable of detecting units that are cloaked or burrowed.
isEnemy(Player) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if this player is unallied to the specified player.
isEnsnared() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the Queen ability Ensnare has been used on this unit.
isExplored(int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if a given tile position has been explored by the player.
isExplored(TilePosition) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if a given tile position has been explored by the player.
isFlagBeacon() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a flag beacon.
isFlagEnabled(int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the state of the given flag is enabled or not.
isFlyer() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a flying unit.
isFlying() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
This macro function checks if this unit is in the air.
isFlyingBuilding() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this structure has the capability to use the lift-off command.
isFollowing() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is following another unit.
isGameType() - Method in class bwapi.PlayerType
Identifies whether or not this type is used in-game.
isGatheringGas() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently gathering gas.
isGatheringMinerals() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently harvesting minerals.
isGUIEnabled() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the GUI is enabled.
isHallucination() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is a hallucination.
isHero() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a hero.
isHigherGround() - Method in class bwapi.Region
Checks if this region is part of higher ground.
isHoldingPosition() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the unit is currently holding position.
isIdle() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is running an idle order.
isInGame() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the current client is inside a game.
isInside(Position) - Method in class bwta.Polygon
isInterruptible() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the unit can be interrupted.
isInvincible() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks the invincibility state for this unit.
isInvincible() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is invincible by default.
isInWeaponRange(Unit) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the target unit can immediately be attacked by this unit in the current frame.
isIrradiated() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is irradiated by a Science Vessel 's Irradiate ability.
isIsland() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
isLatComEnabled() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks the state of latency compensation.
isLifted() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is a Terran building and lifted off the ground.
isLoaded() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently loaded into another unit such as a Transport(Dropship, Shuttle, Overlord ).
isLobbyType() - Method in class bwapi.PlayerType
Identifies whether or not this type is used for the pre-game lobby.
isLockedDown() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently locked by a Ghost.
isMaelstrommed() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has been maelstrommed by a Dark Archon.
isMechanical() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit is mechanical.
isMineralField() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a mineral field and contains a resource amount.
isMineralOnly() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
isMorphing() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Finds out if the current unit is morphing or not.
isMoving() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently moving.
isMultiplayer() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the current client is inside a multiplayer game.
isNeutral() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if this player is the neutral player.
isNeutral() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a neutral type, such as critters and resources.
isObserver() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if the player is an observer player, typically in a Use Map Settings observer game.
isOrganic() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit is an organic unit.
isParasited() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has been parasited by some other player.
isPatrolling() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is patrolling between two positions.
isPaused() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the current game is paused.
isPlagued() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has been been plagued by a Defiler.
isPosition() - Method in class bwapi.PositionOrUnit
isPowered() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has power.
isPowerup() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a powerup.
isQueued() - Method in class bwapi.UnitCommand
isReachable(Region) - Method in class bwta.Region
isRefinery() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a refinery.
isRepairing() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is repairing or moving to repair another unit.
isReplay() - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the client is watching a replay.
isResearchAvailable(TechType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if a technology can be researched by the player.
isResearching(TechType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if the player is researching a given technology type.
isResearching() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is a structure that is currently researching a technology.
isResourceContainer() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is capable of storing resources such as Mineral Fields.
isResourceDepot() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a resource depot.
isRobotic() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit is robotic.
isSelected() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit has been selected in the user interface.
isSieged() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently sieged.
isSpecialBuilding() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this structure is special and cannot be obtained normally within the game.
isSpell() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Identifies if this unit type is used to complement some abilities.
isSpellcaster() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type has the capacity to store energy and use it for special abilities.
isStartingAttack() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the unit is starting to attack.
isStartLocation() - Method in class bwta.BaseLocation
isStasised() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is inflicted with Stasis Field by an Arbiter.
isStimmed() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently under the influence of a Stim Packs.
isStuck() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently trying to resolve a collision by randomly moving around.
issueCommand(List<Unit>, UnitCommand) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Issues a given command to a set of units.
issueCommand(UnitCommand) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
This function issues a command to the unit(s), however it is used for interfacing only, and is recommended to use one of the more specific command functions when writing an AI.
issueCommand(UnitCommand) - Method in class bwapi.Unitset
This function issues a command to the unit(s), however it is used for interfacing only, and is recommended to use one of the more specific command functions when writing an AI.
isTargetable() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Performs some cheap checks to attempt to quickly detect whether the unit is unable to be targetted as the target unit of an unspecified command.
isTraining() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is training a new unit.
isTwoUnitsInOneEgg() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type spawns two units when being hatched from an Egg.
isUnderAttack() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if the current unit is being attacked.
isUnderDarkSwarm() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is under the cover of a Dark Swarm.
isUnderDisruptionWeb() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently being affected by a Disruption Web.
isUnderStorm() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is currently taking damage from a Psionic Storm.
isUnit() - Method in class bwapi.PositionOrUnit
isUnitAvailable(UnitType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if a unit type can be created by the player.
isUpgrading(UpgradeType) - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if the player is upgrading a given upgrade type.
isUpgrading() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is a structure that is currently upgrading an upgrade.
isValid() - Method in class bwapi.Position
isValid() - Method in class bwapi.TilePosition
isValid() - Method in class bwapi.WalkPosition
isVictorious() - Method in class bwapi.Player
Checks if the player has achieved victory.
isVisible() - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
Retrieves the visibility state of the Bullet.
isVisible(Player) - Method in class bwapi.Bullet
isVisible(int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if a given tile position is visible to the current player.
isVisible(TilePosition) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if a given tile position is visible to the current player.
isVisible() - Method in class bwapi.Unit
Checks if this unit is visible.
isVisible(Player) - Method in class bwapi.Unit
isWalkable(int, int) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the given mini-tile position is walkable.
isWalkable(WalkPosition) - Method in class bwapi.Game
Checks if the given mini-tile position is walkable.
isWinner() - Method in class bwapi.Event
isWorker() - Method in class bwapi.UnitType
Checks if this unit type is a worker unit.